Had a great weekend with spouse. Not often we get to just kick back and relax without interruptions.
Also, recast the mitts Thursday night. Not been blazing through it, but still coming along, and have plenty of time to get them done. I reversed the colours and made the MC sapphire and the CC silver grey. Still coming out great. Hope they're enjoyed.
Last night, made major headway in my novel. Not lengthy, but made every word count. What's better than that? Also received a new review on it, and it came back high praise. So far, only one reader has not commended the work (can't fault someone for their own opinion), but their qualms were less than founded. And quite sad to see them trash my work with double talk, blatantly showing their own faults in the process. How odd that people do this . . . then throw their work into the pot as 'prime examples' of good writing.
-- I spill over into a rant here, folks, so, please, bear with me, and excuse the frustrations --
I do not mind getting bad reviews, I take them with a steady balance and try to see both sides. To me, that is what they are there for. Not all have the same views. And I for one seek out variety in my daily life. So, fine, my work was not liked. Good, but when you tell me why, make it valid. Do not quote method books you've not taken to heart (sure you read it, but did ya understand it). Do not state both sides of the spectrum and make me wrong on both counts (if I told too much, in your opinion, fine, but then to rag me for not telling you enough -- of the same info -- in the same rant, give me a break!). And, do NOT trash me because you cannot feel, cannot comprehend, or see what it is BE human (for this current work). Humans feel, we have hopes, dreams, desires, goals, fears, and shame. And so should every one of the characters. A one dimensional character is nothing more than a paper cut out. There is no life there. Even action based fiction needs life in their characters (and readers will NOT suspend disbelief to find out motives 48 pages down the line -- if you're lucky, a publisher gives you 3). Even heroes doubt. It makes them real.
Everything that people are is in every moment, every thought, and every action. This is what I strive to see in my characters and my work. If YOU do not want it there, in yours, then fine, write it your way. It's the only way a writer should. But do NOT point every finger at everyone else but yourself and dish out excuses for things you yourself have done in your own pages. It's called accountability and a measure of professionalism. Do not trounce another for your own short comings. Yes, I have mine -- and I know them -- but I also have strengths and I know them, too. They are what I use, what I dig into to correct my faults.
I did not see that with you, in your 'critique' (and sure as hell not in your work -- and I've stated why, along with reasons and examples of where and how they apply). You only spat method book after method book, none of which fit the applications at which they were thrown, and only recanted how people do NOT feel through their moments, the things they do, the events that come about, or scream that there need not be reason at all.
Needless to say (though I will), I beg to differ.
Good luck to you in your writing career. You've given me a week of entertainment: to laugh, to question and to gag over. Maybe one day, just one, you'll see how much I was holding back to give you the floor and rise higher than we both are. I may not be the greatest writer in the world (I know I'm not), but I was NEVER as bad as you painted me to be. And I wonder, just maybe, you were also pointing at your own work, at the flaws you could not cover.
See you on the bookshelves.
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