Spoke with a friend today, who is also able to sense things. Admittedly, I'm not near as open as I once was -- but working on it. She felt the owner of the boot through a pic. Last year I set up a cam and snapped pics whenever I felt him near. In one night, I snapped 318 pics, all but 6 when I felt something. And all but those 6 had anomalies in them, mainly orbs (of varying colour). So, I linked her the pics and told her what happened.
Apparently, it is still Uncle knocking about. Yes, the feeling is different, but not entirely. I didn't tell her that, but she noticed just the same. Just slightly him, though a different side. Seems he's been around longer than just lately, too.
A few years back, I was woken up by a man pacing in front of the bedroom door, black coat, boots, head to toe really and jingling keys. Felt the same as the owner of the boot, a bit brooding, not too friendly, a little 'drippy' almost in a dark way.
Apparently it is Uncle.
He was rumored to change, almost into a different person at times. From happy to brooding then back.
So, next time I feel that (already have today) I know it is him. I don't have to question anymore . . . and I'm not losing my mind! That's always a plus.
Even if the feeling around here goes from lighthearted and kind to wth . . . I'm glad he's around.
(also explains why, when I felt it before and stated - with force - that only family and guides were allowed in my home the feeling did not leave. family means always. we take care of each other, dead or alive. for that, Uncle is always welcome.)
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