Friday, October 28, 2011

28 Oct. 2011

Oh, such a great day!

Spent last night up way too late, finishing a piece (rough draft), revising major and annoying misses in grammar and formatting -- Write first, Worry later! -- and searching for new publishers and pew projects.  Really, not bad for 6 hours' work.  It felt really good to be back in it again.  Forgot how much I missed short story publications.

Then, woke up and Mike made a wonderful breakfast.  He's really looking forward to me working again, more than once in a while.  This has been a truly great day.

Mike is going to read over the piece (free review) and I'm going to pour over the new projects I found while he went out and about.  Figured I'd be set until the end of the year.  One is due end of November; two in December.

One's not for pay, but, man, am so stoked about the requested content.  And what better way to simply enjoy writing than to take on a piece just for shits and giggles!

Other than that, Kenneth has been kicking up a storm... can hear him with a stethoscope now.  Even answers his daddy with kicks!  so cute!

Uncle has also been up and about.  I love it when he's here.  Sitting in the living room, in the recliner, I noticed someone (I was home alone) get up off the couch.  Saw the white shirt -- it's what he wears half the time -- but wasn't sure I saw it.  Shortly thereafter, I caught light out of the corner of my eye.  My office light was on.

Felt really bad when I went in there to turn it off.  Was like he was telling me to get back to work, I should be in my office, not out watching TV.  And the room felt rather lonely.  Wish I could have stayed, but I need the recliner to keep my feet up.  Also, yeah, my desk was (is) a natural disaster again.  It's my other project for the day.

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