Sunday, January 30, 2011

30 Jan. 2011 Continued

Spoke with a friend today, who is also able to sense things.  Admittedly, I'm not near as open as I once was -- but working on it.  She felt the owner of the boot through a pic.  Last year I set up a cam and snapped pics whenever I felt him near.  In one night, I snapped 318 pics, all but 6 when I felt something.  And all but those 6 had anomalies in them, mainly orbs (of varying colour).  So, I linked her the pics and told her what happened.

Apparently, it is still Uncle knocking about.  Yes, the feeling is different, but not entirely.  I didn't tell her that, but she noticed just the same.  Just slightly him, though a different side.  Seems he's been around longer than just lately, too.

A few years back, I was woken up by a man pacing in front of the bedroom door, black coat, boots, head to toe really and jingling keys.  Felt the same as the owner of the boot, a bit brooding, not too friendly, a little 'drippy' almost in a dark way.

Apparently it is Uncle.

He was rumored to change, almost into a different person at times.  From happy to brooding then back.

So, next time I feel that (already have today) I know it is him.  I don't have to question anymore . . . and I'm not losing my mind!  That's always a plus.

Even if the feeling around here goes from lighthearted and kind to wth . . .  I'm glad he's around.

He's family -- always will be!

(also explains why, when I felt it before and stated - with force - that only family and guides were allowed in my home the feeling did not leave.  family means always.  we take care of each other, dead or alive.  for that, Uncle is always welcome.)

30 Jan. 2011

Been working on smoothing out the rest of the story to come.  So far, a few key events have changed from when I started lining up the plot, but that's normal.  Stories are living things, they shift and grow as needed.  lol  All I have to do is keep up!

MC is having a hell of a time making heads or tails out of their life -- that's called for -- and things are getting . . . tense.  Great!  With a little luck, I can have the reversal prep typed up and ready to go by Monday.  Two days ahead of schedule.

I'm still a little torn on how exactly to make the big reversal even larger an event than it will be (emotionally).  It's not small by any means, but big booms are sooooooo worth pounding the pages to achieve.  Not sure how much more the MC can take.

I guess it's time to find out.

I've nearly broken them again and again over the course of the work.  Just need to push a little more . . .  I'm sure they can take it.  Hopefully, without a major psychotic break in the process.  LOL  (saving that for anther story ;) )

We hit 72 yesterday, 50's/40's tomorrow.  But was nice to get out for the afternoon.  Took out the trash, made a lap of the complex just to take in the day then checked the mail for pen pal reply.  None yet, but then again, they've not mailed it yet.  Ha Ha Ha So checking out of habit now.

Nearly out of stamps, so will have to fix that before the next letter arrives.  Gotta write 'em to get 'em!  And can't mail shit without stamps.

Side Note:  Been wondering if Uncle is the only one around here.  Last night, closing up before bed after 0500, I turned off the lights, and closed the door, leaving just enough for Andora to get through.  Last thing we need is for her not to be able to get to the box.  Anyway, I flicked on the cell phone to light the door way.  To make sure the hall was clear.

It wasn't.  Only ones home were us three, and the boot and jacket standing against the edge of the door.  The boot was actually between the door and the jam and the coat was knee length, one corner in view between then two.  I flicked on the phone again and it was gone.  lol  Yeah, I admit the blood was pumping by that point.  I know what I saw.

I said good night and for the boot and coat to stay out where they were.  I headed to bed, checking once over the shoulder (I am still human).  After that, I turned in for the morning.  And slept right through two alarm clocks.  Hubby and I had both set ours to get up for an early store run.  Never got done.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

26 Jan. 2011 Continued

I said this morn, before the shit hit the fans (too much of a mess to be just one, come on, now)... that I would rather have a year of bad days as a writer than one day scrubbing toilets at a theme park, the corner of which only those with the trots and upside down guts seem to use.  I'll take my knocks and bang my head on my desk any day over that.  Well, comp went down this morn, lost all my recent work...  Even after a sweep of the HD, the file and bits were MIA...  and, yes, I still mean what I said!!!  even with that bout of hell, I held true to writing; planned to regroup after a round of sleep...

actually, I was so irate when my spouse got home, I... filled him in of the situation...  the dude said 'uh-huh' and 'well, you've been wanting a new computer, maybe we ought to work on that instead'

(good boy, but..) NO!!! get mad with me, rally the troops, call the peasants, STORM THE CASTLE with me!!!! it's WAR, DAMMIT!!!!!

Gods, I love him, but man...


this morn, restarted the comp... again... and found parts it said it erased... Sarcasm!

but I'll take it!!!

(my post on a forum once the smoke cleared...kinda proud of it...)

"Depression is anger, without enthusiasm." -- Anonymous
I have to say, I completely agree...  just too drained -- still -- to direct it anywhere...

a member's reply: [The same thing happened to me the other night, and after dropping enough F bombs to take out a third world country,]

oh, man, you nailed it!  the second it locked, I  dropped a TON of 'em.  then,when it was officially lost, I proceeded to level half a continent....

I posted from my cell this morn simply because if I had to touch the comp one more time, I could not ensure (not for a second) its safety...  was this |..| close to seeing if I could punch the screen right off the hinges (wouldn't take much) or tear it open like a book... had an uncle who did that... apparently it's rather therapeutic...

but, by George, it gets better!!!  for my life (today) is sarcasm, pure, unadulterated sarcasm!!  Every god on high has me for entertainment, holy, hell!   and, well, after all of this, why not laugh????  they've got a show, I might as well enjoy the ride...

The morning (my night) of hell finished off a wonderful day.  Progress!  Woot!  and I had been telling a friend, how, even on the worse of days, I would rather be a writer than have any other job on earth... (in walks Murphy)...

Comp goes boom....

crawling back to see the damage this eve, I find ......

not only have I lost my work... bad enough... but it's back!!  The part I was writing, the part I lost 10 years of my life typing (last night felt that long) and another 20 the second I lost it, was in a file off to the side.... but, wait, that's where the 'miracle' ends...

next to that gracious light of sanity... (Murphy, get away!) was another file... one I never knew I had... the part had a mirrored scene I typed about a month ago!  and I never knew I had it!!! (only realized I had typed it when I read over it, and vaguely recalled pieces here and there)... must have been so out of my mind from lack of sleep when I did that, I thought I'd dreamt it!

so, now, yes, the main file is missing what I had worked so hard for... but, in the scraps (for every chap I've written into the main work, I've 5-20 in back story alone, which I keep in two piles off to the side) the piece actually sat waiting -- this morning, the comp could not locate it, even after checking the hard drive -- and with it's brother...

so, yeah, when shelling out the 'F-bombs' be careful, for they tend to have a boomerang feature.  Which the gods tend to flip on and off at will.

(face plants desk) mumbles: *gods, I love being a writer.... it's so much fun....*

26 Jan. 2011

Replaying Tech N9ne's Low lately... Sometimes songs just resonate with parts of ya you can't reach otherwise...  And this is one of them weeks (about a month long)...

The knitting has taken a back seat, as have most everything else.  I've sat myself at my desk for the past week and not written anything worth keeping save my free writes.  As hard as I push, less and less comes.  It's not a 'block' as much as self pressure -- I've been here soooooo many times.  Good times come and go, as will the bad.  And, thankfully, the pages have managed to break through my self imposed cave in.

There is no other way to describe it as that.  Something from heart to pen is out, clogged, restricted to all but 'why me's.  Which is bullshit to begin with.  I would rather have a year of bad days as a writer than one day scrubbing toilets at a theme park, the corner of which only those with the trots and upside down guts seem to use.  I'll take my knocks and bang my head on my desk any day over that.  Over many real jobs, actually.  Anything to keep this what I do and what I take pleasure in passing on.

That is why I write and for no other reason.  It is what I do, who I am, and what I wish to leave the world -- something worth reading and journey they would not otherwise have to take.  So, yes, bad days come, but they also go.  Better days are coming.  I can feel it just as I feel the weight of the lows not yet passed.  But, as always, they will.

What I slaved over, tried to improve (knowing it did not work, but still pushed it to carry more weight than it was worth), was rewound to another part I worked 3 weeks to eek out.  Not all perspectives are easy.  And that came out better than what I wore my fingers and mind down to create.  That's why pencils have erasers, I guess.

Not to be overlooked, the piece is moving along -- no matter how I wanted it to go, it is going the way it needs to go.  Posing the characters, playing them rather than allowing them to live their lives, the story will not be real.  Let alone be worth telling or reading.  The characters are the life blood.  It is their story, not mine.  Forcing that the other way is the death of a good tale.  As a writer, I can't afford to forget that, for the characters' sake.  They depend on me to tell their story and I owe it to them to do so.

The writer is not god, they are the characters' route to expression.

I posted part of my work for a group (of other writers) to see.  At first, I had a question of reader's point of view.  Opinions posted in reply, my work began.  I do not need to hear how to write.  If I can't do that on my own, I'm in the wrong field.  But, this is what a later comer felt compelled to 'school' me on: how to write, how not to write, how 'all the great writers do it.'

I get some people, unsure of their own ability, seeking to learn that.  But, there are books on that subject.  If you're looking for how to's, read.  Write.  Practice.

On my post, I stated my slump, how the MC came off the page -- or didn't -- and requested opinions on how the MC was seen.  I left the rest for my own work.  If there are issues in style, execution, grammar, that's my territory, not that of another writer.  Yet, that did not stop them from posting nearly two pages of how to's and what I was doing wrong (gotta love it, everyone's a specialist!).  For fun, I googled them, to see who they were to attack how I work.  If they were published, I think I would have shit myself.  I've never seen another published writer attacks someone's process.  If it works for them, good!

Anyway, so steamed on this, I'm scattered once more....  What a shame.

What ticked me off, more than the no-nos and 'they said's and even more than the guess on the genre (which I stated in every post as Lit. Fic./Drama) was the comparison to another's work (a cartoon).  HAHAHA  Wasn't even close to the same idea.  Mine is an inner journey, getting over a loss -- not a true love fairy tale.  I'm at least three genres over and 30 years up in demographic.  Wow.  Seriously?

Humor aside, my work is not my own?  I cannot create a work without having been handed something first?  The years I've spent fleshing out the tedious, intricate details of every aspect (it is not only deeply steeped in emotions, but has needed nine years of research -- medical and technical) are all for nothing because you think it all has to be done before?  No one can think separately from someone else?

Imitation is the highest form of flattery, only if it is the aim.  So, don't pull that shit with me!  My work is my own.  It is the life of the characters that come my way, looking for a door to the page, for their story to be told.  Comparing it to another's work is a slap in the face off all I've striven for to get my characters' the purest form of their tale.  My work is for them.

I've worked too hard for my characters to have their own lives to have it ripped away like that.  On the forum, I laughed them off.  They'll wash out soon enough.  If not, then I hope they learn how it really is to be a writer, the conveyor of tales.  They come from the deepest parts and from so far beyond our beings.

Plot lines are easy to come by, events, even easier, but the characters that make them are of their own making.  So, do not cast them aside as make believe, or passing, random thoughts -- those are the scenarios.  Not the people in them.  Each are unique and should be treated as such.

When a character takes their full depth, to the point of flesh and blood on the page, it is magic.  Pure.  And it is a writer's driving force.

I hope they can learn that.  Before they crash and burn.

Damn, wasn't going to post about that, but guess it was long time coming.  Again, Tech N9ne's on repeat.  The bad days will come and go, they always do.  They've no ground to stay.  I won't let them.

Current Track: 219 pages/59,804 words

Side Note: Uncle's been coming around.  Not felt him in years.  I know I've never met him, officially, but we've talked before.  Being open has allowed the visits.  It is nice to have him around.  He was a writer, too, in life and has been great company.

We do not 'talk' like we used to, but I know he is here.  I've looked up to see him standing in my office -- right there in the middle of the room.  I've also heard him talking.  Today, however, as well as yesterday morn before I turned in after the night, I've felt a boost of encouragement.  As if there was a pat on the back to say the hard times were going to prove temporary.

Gods, needed that yesterday.  I stopped what I was doing (anything but writing apparently) and looked to the empty chair I keep in the office for the other desk (desktop and printer have it).  He smiled and I started to laugh.  Yeah, one of those days.  Spent a bit tossing back shop about stories and how sometimes the words come and sometimes they don't.

He gets it.

And I've missed him.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

18 Jan. 2011

Okay, been off for a while.  My main focus has been my writing... so much so that the rest of life has since fallen away until today... but it'll all fall away tomorrow, too ;)

Anyway, had a rough go of it (writing) last week.

(jotted down on the 14th -- when I originally planned to update this blog)

14 Jan. 2011
Got caught up in at-a-boys this week.  Got a good review and confidence just went right through the roof.  Then I started writing for the at-a-boy.  I was so eager for people to like my work -- tell me to keep going -- I forgot to do that.  That's my job, as a writer, to keep myself going, to keep myself on track (on top).  No one else can, nor should for that matter.

This is my story, not theirs.  Only I can (should) write it.  Good praise or bad.  I need to be the one happy with my work.  First and foremost, that's the bottom line.  Though I often do, I mustn't forget that.

hahaha, yea for ego.... it so needs to be hit by a truck grrrrrr....

after that (I have readers out there so I can get an unbiased view of how my characters come across -- can't see the forest through the trees, especially with your nose 2" from the bark), I had a productive week.  Once I put my story back in first place, above all else -- except family.

I've gotten in my free writes (15 min. sprints every morn) and nearly 20 pages I need to type up... not the progress I had hoped for, but it works...

Yesterday, before retiring for the night, I got another 'review' -- not one I expected... sometimes I post excerpts for other writers to view and to critique... silly me for thinking that just because my post got buried, that no one else was going to find it -- I let them get buried when I've gotten back into the work and no longer need opinions (again, how things come across -- not how to say it.  that's what I must fix.)... well, a new member to the group found it and chimed in...

hey, they did read it, had something good to say, but then killed it by filling a page long post of how my working style was all wrong and what I should or shouldn't do while I write/work.

Excuse me?! 

then, oh, the gual of this woman... to ask if it was like some other kind of work and maybe a different kind of genre that I am even in.  I am writing my own work.  It comes from my own head, my own characters.  To compare one person to another or their works you diminish that person and their accomplishments -- their own effort and hard work.

Though they gave me a good -- soaring review -- I cannot help but fume over their ignorance in how they conduct themselves.  That tends to show in their writing and is very sad, in s many ways.

....other than that (I spent as little time on them in the forum as they were worth), I spent the day navigating the internet work I've neglected over the past week and doing a bit of research (I'm always doing research).  Tonight, I may begin typing up my pages -- or I do not usually count them for the week -- and polishing a chapter or three.

Eh, for a nice end note, picked up a new album last week: Mumford & Sons' Sigh No More.  lol a friend got me hooked on them before Samhain and just been wearing out my flash listening to them on youtube.  Now I own a copy (not I-tunes -- I like physical media more than downloads).... CD's been spinning since Thursday -- I-pod since this morn.... sets the mood to work....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

12 Jan. 2011

Don't ask me where I got it.  I've no clue.  Funny, hand was with me all day.

Monday, January 10, 2011

10 Jan. 2011

Spent a good deal of time working on my novel.  I've made progress and rethought the whole should or shouldn't revise the storyline.  For a while, I thought it needed the rewriting, but it doesn't.  Shortly into Act II, it is not a rewrite it needs, but a tangent/secondary plot that got lost in the shuffle. I've been writing that character's story for years, but forgot to weave it into the MC's history.  Wow.  (not) smart.

I'll get back to it when he comes around again and even more during the revision.  Right now, it's a simple Rough Draft I'm working out, not the polished product.  Nuts and bolts first, then the trimmings.  It'll come along...

Got more out to a reader of mine, not a writer like I would prefer (that ideal seems to have died away for the time being), but they liked it just the same.  "Now you're in trouble," was the reply to my work.  "Where's the rest?"  lol  short but sweet.  Well, did also get an excerpt out for a walk, too.  Had a concern that it was not reading as smooth as I had hoped.  But, again, it came back fine.  Actually, it was commended and praised.

Hmm.  And I know that person would have raked me good if it was 'off' just a little.  They've done so before, which is why I sent them the piece.  But I still think it's off somehow.  Something does not sit/flow well with it.  Might be the content.  Very possible, as it's not my type of interaction (not in the slightest).  But . . . I dunno, it just does not read off the page as I think it should.

I'll have to go back over it later this week. 

A writing forum viewed it, liked it, save minor spelling.  One person did have a slight hitch with the part that concerned me.  So, one out of 5 or 6 noticed it.  I will definitely have to revise it this week.  Hopefully, by then I'll know how to even it out.

Anyway, weather finally brought snow here.  a good few inches.  Too bad this town only has 2 plows (which they mainly keep at the airport).  Maybe one day they'll grow up and realize it snows every year.  lol doubt it!  This is still the same place that closed all the schools (I shit you not) because it was 36 degrees and therefore too cold for the kids to stand at the bus stop for 10 minutes (said so on the news, wth).  The schools have heat!  The parents of the kids who didn't ride the bus were told (dropping them off) to take the kids home, it was too cold.

Where were these fools when I was in high school?  single digits, sleeting, below zero wind chills and a 20-30 minutes wait for the buss which did not have heat.  HAHAHAHA  Wusses, every one!  these people would scream end of the world if lake effect ever hit here.  And I'd be making a snowman.

Can't wait to get back up north, where people have a pair.  Geeze!

Started, or rather restarted, a knit project today.  Stainedglass Afghan (Knit And Crochet Now!).  Actually, I'm planning on making a small little bathmat first.  Use up all my Red Heart Super Saver acrylic (o'brill-o pad spun into yarn form).  In gold and black, it should look pretty sharp!  Also gives me something to do when not writing and trying to figure out my character's next move or inner thoughts (she keeps those so tightly guarded -- still).