Tuesday, February 15, 2011

15 Feb. 2011

Pages: 244
Words: 66,182

Been plugging away tonight... trying to get the written draft somewhat presentable for the file.  Kind of wondering if I flubbed it a bit.  It's got kick to it, and a solid vibe, but... not exactly the direction I wanted.

We'll see!

Still got control for as long as I keep writing... may see how this looks in the p.m.  Tired's not really the word for what I am right now.  lol  The MC ran (from the police) yet I feel the strain.... this so sucks as bad as gym class back in the day rofl!

Eh, I'll take 5 and come back to it..... fresher eyes usually do the trick!

Monday, February 14, 2011

14 Feb. 2011

Happy Valentine's Day, Folks!

Hope it was a good one.  ;)

Spouse and I had a great one, aside from still having to work.  I let 'em sleep in half an hour, then kick back in the recliner as I took care of dinner.  A little appetizer, steak and vedge, and red velvet lava cake.

lol they LOVED it...  didn't get one complaint, haha, until they had to get up and go to work.  They didn't want to -- just wanted to stay home and relax the night away.  Who wouldn't!

I don't get to spoil them much, but when I can, I go for gold!

Andora's getting a second pouch of wet food tonight, too.  Gotta spoil all today!

As for work, yeah, slow going, again.  I'm having a rather rough time writing for the MC's mother and uncle.  I'm no parent and I don't have to worry about calling my cat in the middle of the night and hearing someone else answer their phone.  Or worry about them being chased by the police and wrestled to the ground (in front of me) -- kk, rather odd situation there, but it works for now...

so, how do I write for the characters when I do not understand what is going through their heads?  Or how their emotions are tearing them one way then another?

I'll get it done.  I always do.  Just, I don't understand it. lol

Pages: 234
Words: 63,664

I still have more to type up, and am still tweaking the current file, but that's about the bottom line right now.

Oh, Uncle is still around tonight.  not the white shirt and black pants this time, but black shadow all together.  He's been pacing just off to the side.  I said happy v-day to him and he seemed to brighten.  Now, I don't see him, but feel him, bit happier and smiling.

Miss him when he's gone, now that I've gotten used to his company.  It's nice to have family around.

Love him dearly...

Internet is about to laps... tho, I can still log in here...  I'm planning to use the time to dive into work and plow through unabated... i.e. less excuses (youtube) not to.  lol that thing's the great time waster.  It's going to wreak havoc on research -- that never ends, no matter how much I've already done for this project -- but that's why we have libraries! ;)

Besides, will be good to get it done first THEN research more finer points and edit it out to where it should be...  I've worked the other way for years...  and it works for me, but takes much, much longer... now, I'm going to use this time to try things the other way...

I could stew and whine over the loss of the full internet, or take it in stride.  And, frankly, I'm not about to put my energy into wallowing in an inch of water.  That's too much effort on something so minor.  And so many more meaningful things need my attention.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

13 Feb. 2011

well, had a decent week, got lots of work done...  but also, about to fall off here soon.  in trying to stem the tide of bills, internet must go -- just for a time...  few weeks and should be back on...

until thin, lol I got work to do ;)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

09 Feb. 2011

Been pluggin' away this week...  So far, about 20+ pages... just wish it were typed already and that I knew how much of those 20+ I'm going to keep.  I doubt many.  HaHaHa, this morn, spent an hour writing and rewriting an convo between the MC and her partner... yeah, emotional conflicts, hard to keep focused... know I'm going to be rewriting it 6 more times...

Bring it...  LOL!

I've gotten to the Reversal -- Part 1... not what I planned it to be, but I'll take it.  Actually, I think it's about time she fouled up that bad, damn it!  The stakes are higher now... more on the line, more backlash, more extreme the failure if she misses her only mark left to put things right.

Hell, she misses now, I'm'a gonna kick her arse!  Works ;)

But, at the same time, I've been rather muted in my place here at the desk.  The more pages I put behind the MC and her starting point, it seems the further and further she is from salvation...  More equals less in progress.

It's so pissing me off, right now... I'm nearly to the point of yelling at nothing and bouncing the manuscript off the wall (from previous experience, I know they won't).  But, for now, I'm holding fast to the fact I have to write this out.  I owe it to the MC to tell her story and see her through to the end.

How can I let her down?

I know how I feel: angry, tired, drained, in a corner, lost from the reach of reason.  Yeah, fine, no problem, been here before.  But, how does she feel?  How would she if I abandoned her to the void?

I'd be pissed.  More than I am right now...

I've been there... people turning their backs (some smiling)... rarely anything worse when you need to get something out.  So, what would I be for leaving her like they did me?  Oh, hell no!  I'm better than that -- swore that years ago!

I'll finish the story, regardless, I'll finish her story, her way.  I don't care if it takes me the next 60 years, I'm going to get it done, the way she's living it.

This I vow -- So Mote It Be /|\

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

08 Feb. 2011

Nice, got about 3½ pages added to the 12 I got in last night/this morn.  Blew me away, to be honest, getting my 6 hours done before I even turned in for the day.  So, added what I could tonight... I'm about into my Rev. Part 2.  Crap, I should already be...


I'll get to it before I retire today.  Then finish it tonight.

I'm not concerning myself with the typing.  It's running to hot and too fast to slow down for minor details.  Written is written -- no matter how (as long as it's readable).  And, if the rule holds close enough.  250x13.5=3,375.  That was my original daily goal when starting out.  And, back when details were still being placed, it was easy.  Ha ha, now I have to play within the lines.  Man, that sucks sometimes!

Well, time I got back to it...  just figured a break in an attempt to keep this blog current would be worth the breather.

Monday, February 7, 2011

07 Feb. 2011

Well, well, well, once again I am finding that the characters know more than I do.  LOL  Eh, as annoying as it is from the writing perspective, it makes for damn good reading!  All I need is to let them live it out a bit mow.

I know it works, just odd when I realize I've forgotten this.

so far, (writing during the Super Bowl didn't work out too great -- 3/4 a page) since the game, I've gotten about 11 or so pages.  Just letting my people do their things and keep up along their way!  I've not typed anything up, only taking a break to post here.  The big, mano a mano battle of wills is now a foot-chase/assault charge... Works out, I still get an unveiling, which is needed, and the heat's cranked up 10 more degrees than merely 4.  The MC needs the shite to hit the proverbial fan.  This is definitely going to do it.  More is being brought to the forefront than just their past.  And to exactly the people they've spent 5+ years avoiding!

So, nothing added to the Word file, but still plenty of life caught in the notebook!

As for the Super Bowl, yeah, was SOOOOOOOO hoping to see the packers kicked - royally (Go Bears!)
But, hey, a game's a game and the harder fought won.  That's the bottom line.  It's a game and at any moment the scales can tip.  Just depends what you're able to do with it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

06 Feb. 2011

Well, had an interesting eve Friday night.  Started that afternoon.

Tired and run through the wringer (writing does that from time to time), I left my office for an early nap.  Now, I take my phone everywhere, but this day, I turned around, saw it on my desk and left it there.  I was too worn out to go get it.  So, when I turned in for a little down time (and spouse with me) I didn't think much of it.  I mean, I can't use it while I sleep.

Well, shortly after, spouse got a call -- they had to go to the office to pick up an expected delivery.  Said okay, but not to call on their way home, because my phone was in my office and I would not be able to answer.  They agreed and headed out.

When they returned, they came bearing meat and mail... how nice!  I accepted my mail then went back to sleep.  They went back out, to watch TV.  When I finally woke up, I got a text.  My phone was on the end table.

When spouse got back to the room, they said, oh, your phone's right there.  I said, yeah, I got a text then went on to mention them bringing me my phone.  They hadn't.  Spouse swore they never went back into my office (they rarely ever do, even when asked).  My office is my writing space and, even if I would like a bit of company, they just like to leave me to it.

So, if they did not touch my phone and I left it in my office...  How did it walk almost 30' to my bedside?  lol  Well, must admit I was at a loss, until I heard a bit of laughter and my Uncle.  So guess that answers that!

I said thank you! ;) tho a bit unnerved as he usually stays outside the bedroom door.  Most times...  But, still, is a cool experience, just the same.

Thanks, Unc!  Really appreciate the help! ;)

As for my work...
8pg/1,933wrds (this week)

Got my free writes in as planned.  Been very diligent about that.  Hell, I even wake up before midnight, if I happen to fall asleep before I can get to it.  Nice habit!  Well, today, I was toying with a scene for the work -- and having a bit of trouble with it, I may add -- so I tossed it in for my FW.  funny how pressing that button ironed out all the 'no, I should wait for this' crap and shoved in the story to be written.

Now, I'm trying desperately to get the timing right.  I need all roads to converge at one precise moment, or I've lost the BANG of the reversal...  I know I can do this, I just... Gods, I need a bit of time.  I have two days now, no more to get the Reversal Part 1 written and typed.

Actually, typing's the hard part... so boring! hehehe  oops...

Anyway, it'll get done, just need to press that button some more!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

03 Feb. 2011

Ending my night right now, just about.  Had to rip about 3 chaps from my work, but that's okay.  Added on in their place, worth the previous forty...  And I know where to place an odd chapter that's needed for another character's re-intro.  When time passes, there needs to be a recap.  And that's where this project shines...

Total: 222 pg./60,670 words  (how the hell did that fall even?!)
This week: 5 pg./1,277 words (not bad for only 3 actual days)

As for the the weekend (starting tomorrow -- later today after we wake up), I'll not be writing too terribly much.  Might as spouse reads up on the work.  This ought to be fun...

Ha, ha, spent 4 hours researching body piercings, aptly the male metal work.  Funny what you can learn from your characters along the way...  Personally, nty.  But, to each their own!

Though, I do have to admit, most is rather tasteful (just not for this body lol).

Well, been a fun week, lots of progress; lots of new things to learn...

Flip ya on the catch-side...